MAY 2, 2014 - MAY 4, 2014

The HBASNYBoard is planning, in conjunction with Harvard BSA, a Senior Weekend (similar to Pre-Frosh) that introduces prospective NYC residents of the Harvard Senior Class of 2014 to the city and specifically to HBASNY. We are going to have 20-25 Harvard seniors in the city May 2nd through May 4th to introduce the students to the city as well as introduce them to HBASNY.

We are looking for as much support and participation as possible! We will need members who are able to host students on their couches, help plan fun small group events, and also help with logistics of our Cocktail Hour and Cookout Party.

Please send all interest and suggestions to:

Jonathan R. Mason | Harvard '12 | Social Events Chair


Tiana Williams | Harvard '12 | Community Service Chair
