May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'HB AS Preparing, Placing, Retaining Black Corporate Board Directors Tuesday, May 18 5-6:15pm ET' 

Join us for a panel event with Black directors of corporate boards for a discussion on not only how to increase the number of Black corporate board members, but how to ensure they thrive once they secure a board seat. 


As stated in the 2019 Black Enterprise Registry of Corporate Directors, 37% of the S&P 500 did not have a single Black board member, and in 2018, there were 136 Black board members of Fortune 100 companies, representing 11.1% of directors. Once on a board, Black directors are less likely to be in leadership roles, and "frequently find that their contributions are ignored and undermined — an issue that can be particularly acute for Black women"*; this is especially an issue when a Black board member is the sole racial or ethnic minority on a board. 


Our esteemed panelists: Danielle Gray, JD ‘03,  David Motley MBA ‘88,  Paula Sneed MBA , Taj Clayton, AB ‘99, JD ‘05

*Why Do Boards Have So Few Black Directors? Harvard Business Review, August 13, 2020


Click here to buy tickets!!!


5:00PM Tue 18 May 2021, Eastern timezone

Virtual Event Instructions: